Dust measurement

There is dust everywhere in our environment. Industrial processes are the reason for dust and because of the general population growth dust particles continue to increase. The permanent control of dust emissions is becoming more and more important. Especially considered worldwide the potential and the necessity are high. Country-specific, legal conditions specify the compliance with limit values for certain plants.
All dust monitors are developed by Dr. Födisch technical-team and all monitors are tested and calibrated in our own dust channel.

For emissions and pollution monitoring we provide dust measurement technique for legally required and process-related measuring tasks.

Learn more about our product range for the following applications:
- Ambient air
- Broken Bag monitors
- Particulate monitors
- Mobile dust measurement

Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG

Zwenkauer Strasse 159

04420 Markranstädt


Phone:     +49 34205 755-0

Fax:          +49 34205 755-40

E-mail:     info@foedisch.de

Internet: www.foedisch.de





Canada / USA Representation

CEM Specialties Inc.

1100 Dearness Drive, Unit 11

London, Ontario N6E 1N9


Phone:     +1-866-236-7732

E-mail:      sales@cemsi.ca

Internet:  www.cemsi.ca
